CM/ECF Registration CM/ECF is the Federal Judiciary's Case Management/Electronic Case Filing system that allows trained and certified users to file motions to transfer pertaining to 28 U.S.C. § 1407 and other related documents and multi-circuit petitions under 28 U.S.C. § 2112(a)(3) directly from their computers. CM/ECF also allows users to run many fact-finding reports. Attorneys practicing before the Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation are required to obtain and use a CM/ECF filing ID and password assigned by the Panel to participate in the CM/ECF system. To obtain registration to the CM/ECF system for the Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation, please follow the instructions below. Attorneys: To obtain a CM/ECF filing ID, an attorney must: a. Be admitted to practice law before any federal court in the United States; The registration form may also be printed and faxed to 202-502-2888, If you do NOT receive a user id and password within two business days, d. Complete JPML provided training on the CM/ECF System. For further information Exception: The JPML currently permits attorneys who are ECF-certified in another bankruptcy or federal district court to obtain a CM/ECF filing ID and password for the JPML’s CM/ECF system without additional training. Attorneys who are ECF-certified in other federal courts must provide us with the name of the court where they are certified. Note: Pursuant to Panel Rule 2.1(c), every member in good standing of the Bar of any district court of the United States is entitled to practice before the Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation. Questions regarding registration should be directed to our CM/ECF Help Desk at 202-502-2822. |